Default Built-in Authentication

The eCatalog has several types of built-in authentication, which can be configured:

    1. Active Directory Authentication – Single Sign On 
      In this mode, End User will authenticate to company Active Directory (AD). The End User does not require to enter user ID and password. The account management is managed by the AD.
      This mode is highly recommended for most company who is using AD or LDAP.
    2. eCatalog Authentication – Form Login
      In this mode, on the browser, system will prompt End User to enter User name and password. The User name and password are managed internally by eCatalog. This mode is good for company who does not have AD or prefer not to use AD. 
    3. Active Directory Authentication – Form Login.
      In this mode, on the browser, system will prompt End User to enter User name and password. The system will then authenticate to Active Directory. 
    4. Hybrid, Active Directory Authentication & eCatalog using Form Login.
      This mode is good when there’s a mix between AD user and non-AD user. For example; internet-facing system which allow internal user to login to AD, while the external user authenticate through eCatalog.

Other Authentication

The eCatalog can be customized to support different types of authentication, to fit user requirement. This customized authentication is not out-of-the-box feature, and User might need to purchase the module separately.

Following some examples of other types of authentication;

    • Social Media authentication such as Facebook, Google, etc
    • Custom authentication to other business system. For example; user wish to login to their own Accounting system. Rather than having two different sets of password, eCatalog can be integrated to authenticate to Accounting system. In this way, user does not need to remember two passwords. Of course, the Accounting System must provide API to connect.